
Time I got out of bed this week: 6 am

Number of hours spent at work this week: 48

Hours which I actually spent in my classroom: maybe 12?

Number of hours I worked at home: 1.5

Hours spent in classroom today: 5 (it’s Saturday for crying out loud!)

Percent of first-day preparations complete: about 70%

Amount of time I will need to work tomorrow: probably 4-6 hours

Time I will have to get out of bed next week: 5 am

Bottom line: June-July-August

3 thoughts on “Priceless

  1. Welcome back to the real world! I, of course, am dancing around the house, humming “Happy Days are Here Again,” while trying to convince my kids that I am happy for them, because they are so lucky to be returning to such a wonderful school…


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